Insects Awaken
We’re in the solar term 驚蟄 jīngzhé, when insects awaken as thunder strikes the earth, and I’m as shaken and disoriented as those recently hibernating critters today by Daylight Savings Time (ugh, self-imposed jet lag when we haven’t even traveled anywhere) but I wanted to mention here that in a few weeks I’m doing an event for the next solar term 春分 chūnfēn, the spring divide, aka the vernal equinox.
Details here:
Happy winter solstice, and an update
I am raising my rates in 2025. Read on to find out why.
Nourishing yin
Wednesday, November 15, 2023 3:55pm
I have several patients right now who need yin nourishing so I’m hoping to jot down a few thoughts while my Boon is upstairs hanging out with Grandpapa (I hope they are both napping).
The most important thing to nourish yin is to sleep. If your sleep is super disregulated, just sleep as much as you can, whenever you can. But if you have some agency over when you sleep, it is important to be in deep sleep during Liver o’clock (by the 12-hour Chinese chronobiology clock, which I will try to find a link to) so your body can thoroughly detox its blood while you are asleep.
If you are already sleeping the correct hours, but still not growing yin (i.e., you have dryness, you are restless, there’s not enough yin to anchor your yang so you are hot and bothered frequently), try avoiding spicy and deep fried foods.